Climate Change and Sustainability

We are pleased to provide our latest
United Nations Global Compact Report
UN report

Using our exceptional diverse teams, we aspire to apply our vast technical and business knowledge to designing and building practical, safe, and innovative solutions to combat climate change. Hatch takes a scientific, evidence-based approach to develop solutions pursuing the twin goals of:

  • Reducing the release into, and ultimately the presence of greenhouse gases (GHG) in our atmosphere
  • Adapting our built and natural environments for climate change impacts

孵化intends to take a leading role in achieving these objectives by investigating, developing, and implementing the following strategies simultaneously, over what may be a prolonged period of transition away from carbon:

  • Avoidance of carbon combustion (including the reduction in demand for energy and products requiring carbon)
  • Reduction of CO2generated by improving the efficient use of carbon
  • Removal and sequestration of carbonaceous gases from our atmosphere (either at point source or directly from the atmosphere)
  • Improvement of society’s resilience to the earth’s changing climate

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) report

孵化is pleased to release our annualUNGC report, highlighting our commitment to the UN’sSustainable Development Goalsin our pursuit of a better world through positive change.

In support of the UNGC, our report provides an update of the progress made in 2022 in our pursuit of the goals outlined by the UN. By providing tangible advancements and examples of relevant projects and developments, we have focused the report on the UN’s four core areas: Human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption.

We are passionately committed to the development of a future shaped by a sustainable global society. We recognize that climate change is largely caused by human activity and that it hinders this vision by negatively affecting natural ecosystems, economic returns, and community development. The resolution of this complex global problem will require multiple simultaneous strategies.

Our statement on climate change

Learn more about how Hatch is working alongside our clients to tackle this most important of issues


As “entrepreneurs with a technical soul” actively participating in the metals, energy, and infrastructure sectors, Hatch is uniquely positioned—and obligated—to affect positive change on this issue as it is amongst the toughest challenges of our era. These recent projects and thought leadership initiatives highlight our commitment to sustainability and to creating a better world through positive change.