Magnesium Metal Production in Canada

Author(s)D. Creber, B. Davis, S. Kashani-Nejad
COM Commemorative Book, Chapter D - Light Metals (Aluminum & Magnesium) October 2011


Over the last century, the primary magnesium行业在加拿大已经见顶2000年与加拿大的second largestproducer and since then, has shrunk to whereno primary magnesium is produced. The storyis complex due to the fact that two competingcommercial magnesium processes exist andthat there has been a major global shift in thecommercialization of these technologies.

These two technologies are a high temperaturethermal process where silicon is used to reducemagnesium oxide to magnesium metal and amore traditional light metal production routebased on molten salt electrolysis, in this casethe electrolysis of magnesium chloride.