Debottlenecking Coarse Ore Conveyor Systems

Author(s)J. Elkink, J. Ricce, J. C. Ruiz
Beltcon 17, August 6-7, 2013


Mining companies are looking at maximising the capacity of their existing mining operations. Single train crushing and conveying systems are typically used to deliver ore from the mine to the concentrator. Increasing the existing system capacity is preferred over duplication of the system.

System capacity is increased by:

  • Increasing the fragmentation of the ore to extend the primary crusher capacity
  • Increasing the speed, power and bed depth of the feeders delivering ore from the crusher to the conveying system
  • Increasing the speed, drive power and strength rating of the belt conveyors
  • Installation of additional stockpile capacity

This paper discusses the analyses required to verify the maximum capacity that can be achieved by coarse ore conveying systems. The analyses include:

  • Field measurement of crusher capacity
  • Confirmation of field measurements by process simulation
  • Crusher surge bin level control
  • Bulk density
  • Conveyor belt DIN f value

使用粗矿石系统的动态模型to determine the average daily sustainable capacity. The annual amount of ore processed is affected by the restrictions imposed by upstream and downstream operations. Extension of the dynamic model to include the downstream milling and concentrating circuit and the impact on amount of ore processed is discussed.