Challenges between project delivery and social performance

A successful project needs to do more than deliver its intended business purpose. It must wholeheartedly embrace the mantra of leaving the community better equipped to thrive and prosper, ensuring a brighter future for the lives it affects.

With a comprehensive toolkit and applied experiences, we find opportunities between the needs of the project and the capacity of the host community. The result is a roadmap for sustainable socioeconomic growth and development for communities, our clients, and their stakeholders. Ultimately, the goal is to leave a positive legacy in the community—one greater than the project itself. In doing so, we want our work to be a catalyst for long-term growth and to support decisions that allow our clients to operate and live in our project communities with integrity.

Through our experiences, we understand the connectivity and critical need for alignment and integration between project delivery and social performance, including engagement with communities and Indigenous Peoples.

Whatever your plans, whatever your scope, we can help.

Our integrated multidisciplinary approach drives smarter, more inclusive development from concept to completion in four community engagement and social performance areas, including:

Social value and risk assessment– A comprehensive review of the opportunities and challenges presented from multiple stakeholder groups in a project location. We map all the relevant stakeholders and provide a risk ranking and capacity assessment to participate in project activity, including workforce development, partnership models, and social procurement. It is critical to understand the motivations of your stakeholders prior to developing any tactical or action-oriented engagement plans. Our social performance experts will benchmark the social value and risk assessments with domestic and international best practices, including regionalregulatory requirements, International Finance Corporation (IFC) social performance standards, Equator Principles, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Stakeholder enablement planning and engagement– Informing your project delivery throughout the entire life cycle requires a well thought-out and deliberate plan. We develop stakeholder enablement and engagement plans to direct the most appropriate level of external interaction. An informed and well-designed plan will mitigate stakeholder risk, improve value for the project and community, and build local capacity. Our practitioners are well equipped to carry out direct community consultation, facilitation, and engagement activities.

Local benefits planning– Project participation is one of the best ways to provide opportunities and value to community members living near your project area. It all starts with an in-depth understanding of the local workforce and businesses in the region, matched with the available project opportunities. Where opportunities may not be evident, our team supports local inclusion through benefits planning, workforce capacity building, social procurement, and local business incubation. It is our role to bridge any capacity gaps to ensure community members can maximize socioeconomic participation throughout the project life cycle.

Indigenous and community led projects– Indigenous communities are actively planning, designing, and developing infrastructure projects for their members. We act as the intersection between community engagement and design in which community visions, goals, and aspirations are transformed into reality through culturally appropriate and community-led capital execution projects. From housing developments to community centers, the results are transformational, and all activity is driven by community vision first, design next.

What are the benefits of Community engagement and social performance?

  • Setting projects up for social success by partnering with stakeholders throughout the project life cycle
  • Thoughtful stakeholder engagement approach catered to the needs of the community and project
  • Delivering projects with community vision first, engineering next
  • Genuine community inclusion from concept to operations that maximizes workforce and business participation

“他们的ability to communicate with anyone and everyone in a trust-based relationship and their complete commitment and accountability for the entire task at hand is excellent. Simply superb performance.”

Lawrence Fogwill|P. Eng. Project Director, Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation

“建议、忠告和强有力的执行支持摇来摇去m Hatch kept consultation for our master planning process on track through successive pandemic lockdowns. Hatch’s engaging virtual open house space meant stakeholders were up-to-date and apprised of all master plan activities.”

Jenna MacDonald|Former Vice President Marketing, Communications and Government Relations, Port of Belledune

Community Engagement and Social Performance


As a credit to the success of Hatch’s engagement with and dedication to Canadian Indigenous communities, it became the very first engineering, procurement, contracting and management (EPCM) consulting firm to attain Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) certification with the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Businesses (CCAB), recognizing the mutually beneficial impact of business development with Indigenous-owned businesses. Hatch is certified at the Bronze level.

孵化registered its intention to submit a Reconciliation Action Plan with Reconciliation Australia by December 2022. The plan will guide our commitment as a culturally respectful organization that embraces heritage and connection to Country in project planning and delivery, while actively contributing to meaningful intergenerational positive change with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia.

孵化achieved a Level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) rating from the South African government in recognition of their efforts toadvance economic transformation and participation of Black people in the economy. Hatch consistently updates itstransformation planto evolve with the program’s requirements and has exceeded the targets in many areas, including skills development and management control. 

CESP Certifications



Leading the Charge in the 15-Minute Communities Movement

Yvonne Yeung
Discover the future of urban living with Yvonne Yeung, leading the 15-Minute Communities Movement. Learn how we're building vibrant, sustainable neighborhoods, prioritizing connectivity, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility. Join us on this transformative journey towards thriving, walkable communities.

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