
Organizations everywhere are modernizing and enabling digital transformation programs. Whether you’re piloting or rolling out new digital technologies, such as industrial internet of things (IIoT), your ICSs become more connected to one another, to business systems, cloud services, mobile devices, and the Internet. And as they do, the risk of cyber incidents increases. Once, these complex systems and the human-machine interfaces controlling them were protected, because they were self-contained and isolated. No longer.

Cyber incidents that affect ICS infrastructure can have major consequences for industrial assets and processes. They can negatively impact your operations’ production, quality, reputation, and cost. Even extend to environmental damage and casualties.

Having robust, reliable, and secure ICS infrastructure is a major growing necessity for organizations and operational technology groups. Many are placing cyber-resiliency at the forefront of their priorities to keep their employees safe, and their systems protected and productive.

But making the choice for security is only the beginning. Executing these cyber-resiliency programs can be challenging. Finding the scarce resources who are qualified to roll them out and who understand your unique environment, too. Even more so.

Read ourblogon how companies can use different maturity and security-level approaches to address cyber-resilency issues.

De-risk your organization’s exposure to cyber threats

Hatch will help you make sure your organization and teams are cyber resilient, and IIoT and cloud ready, for today’s and tomorrow’s new technologies.

We tackle cyber-resiliency using multidisciplinary teams. It's an approach that is both practical and relevant to your specific operations. Our deep domain expertise is combined with our understanding of digital technologies. Then we add another layer—advanced cyber-resiliency strategies and hands-on expertise—to give you peace of mind by ensuring your ICS infrastructure is secure.

Cyber-resiliency solutions for safe, reliable ICS infrastructure:

  • cyber-resiliency governance assessments and developments
  • cyber-resiliency assessments for ICS based on your safety, security, and operational posture
  • resiliency assessments against current and future threats and vulnerabilities, based on evolving technologies in the ICS domain
  • compliance monitoring and KPI programing
  • proactive patching programs based on vulnerabilities and ICS working practices
  • cyber-resiliency advisory and security assessment and audits of ICS systems
  • audits of control systems and control systems networks
  • penetration testing.

We help make sure you are set-up for success by ensuring people, processes, and technologies are aligned. As part of your team, we make strong contributions,

  • planning and executing your cyber-resiliency roadmap
  • managing the adoption and integration for your resiliency program
  • aligning your workforce for OT groups.

Learn more about how Hatch can help you with your cyber-resiliency program and make sure you’re IIOT and cloud ready.