The Hatch Mine-to-Market Optimizer streamlines materials handling, blending, and pricing - driving costs out and increasing revenue.
Now more than ever companies are facing unprecedented levels of volatility due to factors such as disrupted supply chains, increased demand, and evolving stakeholder expectations for high-quality products delivered at the right time and price. In response, these companies require comprehensive, strategic solutions that address these complex challenges in a holistic manner.
About Hatch Mine-to-Market Optimizer
Mining companies strive for better operational efficiency to keep up with ever-evolving market scenarios and customer expectations. Hatch’s mine-to-market value chain optimizer uncovers optimal operating modes, while accounting for all assets, processing plants, railway, and port operations.
The Hatch Mine-to-Market Optimizer helps manage inventory levels and qualities. Additionally, it helps clients understand the challenges, resolutions, and granularity of information of short, medium, and long-term planning horizons (from operational to strategic).
Streamlined production
Get enhanced efficiency in production expenses throughout all stages, encompassing mining operations (such as drilling, blasting, and haulage), processing, and inventory management.
Blend optimization
Increase profitability by finding the right balance between product variety and value chain costs through improved product mixes along the chain.
Intelligent Inventory and stockpile management
Minimize variability and mitigate negative impacts by enhanced stockpile management, ideal volumes, and locations of materials along the chain.
Scenario analysis
Help stakeholders identify risks, optimize performance, improve resilience, and promote collaboration in mine-to-market value chain optimization.
The Hatch Mine-to-Market Optimizer helps manage inventory levels and qualities . Additionally, it helps clients understand the challenges, resolutions and granularity of information of short, medium, and long-term planning horizons (from operational to strategic).