
The financial returns on any project can be easily eroded by delays and cost overruns. Resource developers face many challenges, particularly at remote project sites, as punishing conditions often make it difficult to sustain a highly productive workforce.

Project teams don’t deploy to sites simply to sustain themselves; they go because they're needed to resolve complex problems and deliver value to their clients. In isolated locations, when resources are limited and must be redirected from project priorities to sustainment initiatives, schedules become drawn out and budgets increase. Construction indirect costs are a surprisingly high percentage of a project's total budget. When they are underestimated or poorly planned, they can skyrocket.


Integrated planning

First, you need a plan. One with methodical details about how to establish remote sites, and seamlessly transition from back-office activities to in-field execution. Our site-deployment team members are ex-military specialists with more than 125 years of collective experience working in deserts, jungles, and the Arctic. Their experience forms part of your comprehensive site-deployment execution plan, reducing construction costs, schedule and risk impacts, and making downstream activities more productive, too.


Next, determine the most effective methods for supporting project and construction execution plans. We work with you to examine all the relevant factors, including information on surrounding communities, their interest and ability to support the project.


The global security environment is becoming increasingly challenging and dynamic. Security considerations are an important part of any risk assessment and mitigation strategy, for both the projects and the people working on them. You need security assessments that match project activities in new or elevated risk areas, starting with potential site visits and extending to ongoing projects. We arrange security escorts for individuals visiting remote sites,too.

One-camp approach

Good end-to-end site-deployment plans minimize indirect costs and schedule risks. The temporary structures, infrastructure and services you use are repurposed and transferred to site operations. They're designed to be scaled up for construction; down for operations.

Operation and accommodation site implementation services (OASIS)

与绿洲,你得到的服务结合我们的military-level planning expertise with Pac West Properties’ innovative Solace Longhouse System. Facilities can be scaled up for construction, then refurbished for operations. They have a 50-year-plus lifespan and are fully code-compliant, so they can be leased long-term, reducing CAPEX pressure. Eventually, they can be repurposed and transferred to local land owners for their use, reinforcing your social license to operate in the community.

Project support components

From truck shops, clinics, and maintenance facilities, to power-distribution systems, IT solutions, and security and access control. Project teams need to consider everything. Our experts bring the comfort, security, and resources of home to project sites all over the world.


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