Kitimat Clean Refinery

Kitimat Clean Inc. | Canada | 2014

World's largest and greenest
GTL refinery when built

550,000 barrels
per day of diluted bitumen

among the lowest for any heavy crude refinery

$22 billion
estimated capital cost


  • Build the largest integrated gas-to-liquids refinery in the world.
  • Use state-of-the-art design to process Alberta bitumen (extra-heavy oil with 8–10 API gravity) with the lowest carbon emissions of any refinery in the world and remain economically viable.
  • Refine products for export, including ultra-low sulfur diesel and superior gasoline that meets Euro-5 equivalent specifications.


  • Completed a feasibility study, including design engineering and capital-and-operating cost estimates, to develop and technically validate a process configuration.
  • Designed a refinery with zero coke and fuel-oil production, minimal water intake, and zero water disposal by integrating it with GTL technology.


  • Novel technologies employed to minimize NOx, SOx, and CO2emissions.
  • CO2emissions per barrel among the lowest for any refinery processing heavy crude.

Project numbers

550,000 barrels每天的稀释沥青处理
460,000 barrelsper day of refined fuels produced
3,000 peopleemployed once plant operational

Services & technologies provided



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