Waste Repositories for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization

Nuclear Waste Management Organization | Canada | 2006–Ongoing

20,000 m3
of waste to be stored


680 metres deep


  • Safe, long-term storage is needed for the disposal of low-, intermediate- and high-level nuclear waste produced at the Bruce, Darlington, and Pickering nuclear power generating stations.
  • The disposal site for the high-level waste will be decided upon following conceptual design. Nine locations are still under consideration.


  • A design study was undertaken for the Deep Geologic Repository (DGR), which is a long-term disposal facility for the low- and intermediate-level waste (L&ILW).
  • Preliminary engineering studies support the NWMO’s preparation of submissions to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for environmental approval and a construction license for the DGR.
  • 孵化is now designing the first high-level waste repository in North America, known as the Adaptive Phased Management (APM).
  • The project will use the Hatch Nuclear Quality Management System, which complies with Canadian Standard Association’s nuclear facility management standard, CSA N286.


  • The DGR is the first low- and intermediate-level waste project of its kind in Canada.
  • Waste at the DGR will be stored approximately 680 m underground in a stable limestone formation.
  • The APM is the first high-level waste project in North America.

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