Weyburn Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration Project

Part of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects for the combined Weyburn-Midale oil field

Encana Corporation | Canada | 2000-2008

Recovered an additional104 millionbarrels of incremental oil

Project will extend life of the facility by25 years

EOR incremental production for Weyburn:15,000 bbl/day

More than 1.7 million tonnes of CO2/year
sequestered at Weyburn CO2Enhanced Oil Recovery project


  • Build largest CO2flood operation in Canada
  • Unprecedented technology with no regulatory framework in place
  • Long project payout period


  • Provided EPCM services for the installation of all surface facilities for the original Weyburn CO2miscible flood.
  • Original surface facilities at the Central Process Unit included inlet separation, FWKO’s, two 6000-HP CO2recycle compressors, CO2dehydration, produced water injection, and 55 km of high-pressure CO2distribution pipelines.
  • Expansion and upgrading projects included installation of a two-stage 17,500 HP CO2recycle compressors, two CO2dehydration facilities sized for 5,000 t/day of recycled CO2, 530 m3/hr water injection pump, new transformer, a 30,000 bbl water storage tank with booster pumps, and upgrades to FWKO system.
  • Field facilities included all production/injection satellites, and production/injection pipelines.


  • Proved technical and economic feasibility of carbon storage in geological formations
  • Proved CO2injection as a viable method for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
  • Provided $3.5 billion in added value to the provincial economy

Project numbers

Projected to store 45 million net tonnes of CO2over the project life
6000 t/dof CO2injection,1.8 Mt/yrof CO2injection (equivalent to600,000cars off the road for a year)

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