6,000 metric tonsper hour in rate capacity
30%increase in potash production capacity annually
- 加拿大萨斯喀彻温省满足35%的the demand for globally traded potash.
- Much of this mineral fertilizer passes through Neptune Terminals, one of the largest multiproduct bulk terminals in North America.
- Expansion was definitely needed, but efforts were challenged by the site, which is physically constrained.
- This design-bid-build project saw rail car dumper # 1 and conveyor belt replaced, increasing the rated capacity to 6,000 metric tons (MT) per hour.
- The conveyor system was upgraded, modifying five conveyors and replacing one.
- A surge bin was replaced with a new 620 MT stainless steel bin and support tower.
- Two tunnels were constructed, one reaching 35 feet below grade, and a new roadway overpass was built that spanned two conveyors.
- As a result of the expansion, rail tracks can now accommodate two potash trains, or 340 railcars, at one time.
- Two enclosed gravity-fed dumper pits can handle four railcars each. Two large storage sheds can store approximately 210,000 metric tons of potash and deliver it to two different berths.
- Separate cascade chutes are used for red and white potash, and the chutes “gently” deposit potash into the holds of vessels, minimizing breakage and dust.
- In 2011, Neptune Terminals handled a record 12.85 million metric tons of cargo and an estimated 7.2 million metric tons of potash.
“We surpassed our previous handling record by 12% while undergoing construction, which is a credit to the efforts of our operations, maintenance, and construction teams. Through strategic investments in our terminal, we have delivered a reliable supply chain for our shareholders and their customers, and these investments are paying off.”
Project numbers
Construction cost: $49.3 millionNeptune's annual potash capacity increased by about 30%, to 11.5 million metric tons.
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