The economic and social story of King's Cross Station

Quantifying the social and economic impact of masterplan regeneration at London’s King’s Cross Station

Argent | London, UK | 2016-2017

Quantified a £20.7mlifetime economic uplift from unemployment to employment through this study

One of the first comprehensive assessmentsof development impact across economic and social value.

A widely cited impact assessment report,defined as an industry best practice


  • Argent and King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCLP) needed to quantify and communicate the value of quality design and regeneration to government investors and other key stakeholders.
  • There had been no previously established practice or common methodology for assessing the public benefit of private sector regeneration schemes.
  • It was necessary to develop a novel approach to collect, analyze, and report positive change and long-term economic and social impact, building a robust evidence base of what works to optimize the positive impact of future investments and regeneration projects.


  • Thoroughly reviewed input from KCCLP, Argent and King’s Cross partners to assess the project’s social and economic impact. Conducted primary and secondary research on the experiences of residents living and working in the area to better quantify potential social impacts.
  • Compared project results to other major regeneration schemes to identify specific areas of proven value, and provide informed data to support future impact assessments across Argent’s entire development portfolio.
  • Leveraged best practice and augmented standard evaluation and economic impact methodologies to effectively present the social impact delivered by Argent.


  • Created a visual report widely cited by Argent and others as best practice in economic and social impact assessments for built-environment schemes.
  • Assessment results and final report were featured in numerous industry case studies and presentations.
  • Deemed one of the first comprehensive assessments of development impact across economic and social value.
  • £3bnconstruction investment
  • 300local suppliers
  • 450NVQ trained
  • 1900new homes

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