Shortest time between coils
Less than 5 seconds gap-time capability to deliver coils to the FM
Custom foundation Coilbox™
- Zaporizhstal was modernizing its hot strip mill (HSM) with new reheat furnaces able to handle larger slab lengths while smaller existing furnaces continued to handle small slabs.
- The mix of slab sizes created the need for a Coilbox™ that could roll the larger slabs and handle smaller ones with as little as 5 seconds between bars at the finishing mill.
- The older HSM had a very shallow mill flume and a mostly manual operation, creating additional challenges.
- With a custom-designed, mandrelless Coilbox™, Zaporizhstal was able to coil and uncoil small and large transfer bars, maintaining a gap at the finishing mill of less than 5 seconds.
- The thermal advantages of the Coilbox™ were achieved with the mandrelless transfer design, high processing speeds in the Coilbox™, and the implementation of energy-saving heat shields.
- The Zaporizhstal Coilbox™ can deliver coils to the finishing mill with the shortest gap-time: less than 5 seconds.
- The Zaporizhstal Coilbox™ has a small foundation footprint compared with mandrelless transfer coilboxes.
Project numbers
5-second交付y intervals between coils at FM5 kg/mmsmall coils can be processed
What's your challenge?
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